Transcribed by Elaine Walker. One sheet of foolscap paper, single-sided. Typed, two columns, with horizontal rules between items. We are on the SF map. Leigh Edmonds gave us about a quarter of a page in FANEW SLETTER EIGHTY this month. The WASFA magazine REFLECTIONS is being delayed by purely technical reasons in the printing stage… Continue reading WASFA News #2 – 18 June 1977
WASFA News #1 — 28 May 1977
Transcribed by Doug Burbidge. One sheet of paper, single-sided. Typed, two columns, with horizontal rules between items. WASFA has a newly elected president: psychologist Sally underwood, our former president having to step down due to pressure of outside work. It is hoped that the current poster campaign to increase membership will get results soon. Meetings… Continue reading WASFA News #1 — 28 May 1977
SwanCon 4 (WayCon ’79) – Program – Clubs – UNISFA; WASFA; S.W. Weyr
Transcribed by Elaine Walker, all typos faithfully preserved, some spacing around punctuation tweaked UNISFA UNISFA is the University of WA Science Fiction Association, a young and sometimes vigorous club which meets every two weeks during the university termtime. I hope I am preaching to the converted when I suggest that if you are a Uni… Continue reading SwanCon 4 (WayCon ’79) – Program – Clubs – UNISFA; WASFA; S.W. Weyr
Swancon 4 Program – The Great Con Job
Transcribed by Elaine Walker, all typos and punctuation faithfully reproduced. The Great Con Job – the triumphs and tribulations of organizing a con. A personal message from Your Humble Beanbagman. Bevan Casey, the worthy editor of this program book, told me (he did not ask) to write a short piece under the above title and… Continue reading Swancon 4 Program – The Great Con Job
WASFA box from July 1977 Part 4
by Chris Creagh The following, type writer produced, short story is reproduced with permission of the author, Stephen Dedman. Said permission was accompanied by the remark “It has kind of a cheesy ending.” So, if you are an early career aspiring writer, take heart, things do get better. High Dungeon 26-2-78 by Stephen Dedman There… Continue reading WASFA box from July 1977 Part 4
WASFA box from July 1977 Part 3
by Chris Creagh Contents Reflections, the WASFA “magazine which people keep saying is a fanzine” edited by R.C. Ferguson and sold for the princely sum of $1 (one copy). It contains: short story by David Underwood called “Jack” review by R.C. Ferguson of Roger Zelazny’s “The Doors of his Face? The Lamps of His Mouth… Continue reading WASFA box from July 1977 Part 3
WASFA box from July 1977 Part 2
by Chris Creagh Contents WASFA news #1 28 May 1977; 2 copies Raffles have been successfully held on the past two meetings. The money is being used to buy records of SF writers reciting their own work and from the first raffle the record Gravely Robert Bloch was purchased. Does this collection still exist? If… Continue reading WASFA box from July 1977 Part 2
WASFA T-shirt from the MUSFF collection
Today’s post comes to you from the dusty dungeon depths of the Murdoch University Library, where the MUSFF collection is held. Amongst the treasures held is a veritable dragon’s hoard of t-shirts collected over several decades and multiple continents. One gem of this collection, is a WASFA t-shirt. WASFA predates the Western Australian Science Fiction… Continue reading WASFA T-shirt from the MUSFF collection