Tag Archives: fanzines


Transcribed by Doug Burbidge DUCK FANTASY By Stephen Dedman I should if I may, to comment on the quality and quantity of fannish art, writing and publishing in Western Australia at the moment. After a long period when WA fanzines … Continue reading

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Fannish History Panel – Continuum 13 – 2017

by Elaine Walker I went to the panel on Fandom History at Continuum 13 (Triskaidekaphilia) in Melbourne in 2017. Originally it was meant to be a panel on Fandom: Where Did We Come From? Aussiecon 1975, but they had some … Continue reading

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More Fanzines!!

The Wright Collection – material from around 1954 to 1999 asff.org.au “Australian Science Fiction fan Bill Wright donated a large collection of fanzines to the Foundation. This has been combined with the Melbourne Science Fiction Club fanzine collection and has … Continue reading

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Info left over from GenghisCon

Murdoch University library has been doing stuff in the basement and here is the report: Over the 2012/ 2013 period approx. 1300 fanzines and associated material have been catalogued, with Murdoch University Library records added to the national database (Libraries … Continue reading

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Skribe – September ’93 – The Zone 3 Experience and October ’93 – In Search of Quasar

Transcribed by Elaine Walker. Since Doug has been doing some writing on the current laser tag type games, we thought it would be nice to put up some articles he wrote on the topic in earlier times. The Zone 3 … Continue reading

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Skribe – September '93 – The Zone 3 Experience and October '93 – In Search of Quasar

Transcribed by Elaine Walker. Since Doug has been doing some writing on the current laser tag type games, we thought it would be nice to put up some articles he wrote on the topic in earlier times. The Zone 3 … Continue reading

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Fanzine – Skribe, 4 assorted issues

article by Anna Hepworth In one of our magic mystery archive boxes, we have four issues of Skribe, being a Western Australian SF newsletter edited by Paul Branch and Celine Zhu. The earliest of these issues, being September ’93, is … Continue reading

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SwanCon 1 – Cygnetures – Prose by Graham Gough

From Cygnetures. All typos faithfully reproduced. Why do sci fi fans take it so seriously? As a person who reads sci fi whenever I get the opportunity, which with two kids, a wife, one cat and a house to look … Continue reading

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The Lark Ascended: Roger Weddall, 1956–1992

This is a verbatim reproduction of an article by Bruce Gillespie, originally published in *brg* in May 1993. Both the article and the accompanying photograph were provided by Bruce himself, and we are very pleased to have the opportunity to … Continue reading

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Swancon 14 PR3

a just-the-good-bits transcription by Chris Creagh The Most Wanted List (Convention Committee) Cindy Clarkson – “Her hard work and capacity for doing all the things that everybody else forgets about will make her either a very successful convention organiser or … Continue reading

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