Author Archives: australian sf-history

SwanICon PR1 – Guests (part 1)

Pages four through eight of this progress report have one page (or in the case of the last one, half a page) of guests. In this post, those for Jack Dann (p4) and Sean Williams (p5) are transcribed. Theoretically, the … Continue reading

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SwanICon PR1 – Welcome

Being page 3 (of 16) Welcome to what we believe will be the social event of 1999! SwanCon 1999, or ICon as we like to call it, aims to bring you all the traditional features of SwanCons that that you … Continue reading

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Festival of the Imagination – Souvenir book – Janeen Webb

Pages 53 to 56 of the Festival of the Imagination 1996 Souvenir book are dedicated to the appreciation of Janeen Webb. This post features the first part, which is a potted biography taking up just under a page. The second … Continue reading

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Swancon 17 – Festival of the Imagination 1992 – Programme Book – Raiding the Illusion Chest

This was from the souvenir book from the Festival of the Imagination 1992 – Swancon 17. Pages 56-57. Attempted to maintain all and any typos. Some hyphenation may be end-of-line but has been included where it was not obvious as … Continue reading

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Festival of the Imagination 1996 – Souvenir Book – Storm Constantine – An Appreciation

This is from the Swancon 21/Festival of the Imagination 1996’s Souvenir book, pages 20-21. It contains an Appreciation of Storm Constantine by Graham Joyce and a mini-bio of Mr Joyce. I have endeavoured to transcribe his words as accurately as … Continue reading

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Swancon 2000 flyer

A5. White paper. Printed both sides in a dark paintwater green. Front: photo collage of an old-fashioned television in a forest, with a Hugo-style rocket on screen and a selection of books on top of the set. At top, in … Continue reading

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Festival of the Imagination 1996 Souvenir Book: Neil Gaiman An Appreciation

page 7 of the Festival of the Imagination 1996 Souvenir Book had an appreciation of Neil Gaiman, written by Stephen R Brust. At the bottom of the page, it gives the following mini-bio of Brust: “Stephen Brust is the author … Continue reading

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SwanCon 21 – Souvenir book page 63. The Rationalist's One-Stop Guide to Sc-fi/Action/Horror Movie Traits

This is Robyn’s work and therefore I have not transcribed it in full, just the introductory sentence and headings. The full text is well worth writing up if we ever seek and get permission to print it. Chris Creagh Robin … Continue reading

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Festival of The Imagination 1996 – Special Guests

Page 6 of the January 1996 newsletter of the 1996 Festival of the Imagination focuses on two special guests: Jack Dann Jack Dann is the author or editor of over thirty-five books, including the novels Junction, Starhiker, and The Man … Continue reading

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Festival of The Imagination 1996 – Competitions

Being page 10 of the December 1995 Newsletter. Top half of the page has a small amount of white space which is filled with a small line drawing of a grotesque fish about to take the bait off a dangling … Continue reading

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