We’ve already summarised this newsletter, but here’s its page 3:
The Chair Speaks
Welcome to the last newsletter before the Festival. This newsletter will primarily cover the programme and the voting for the Ditmars and Asfmas. I will however be adding some general information in this page relevant to most of our members.
The Festivals block accomodation booking for the Kings Perth Hotel is now full, but rooms are still available in the alternative hotel, the Inntown. Members who wish to book rooms should now do so direct to the hotels, as the short time left until the Festival makes this the most efficient way to provide this service now. The Festival’s rates still apply, so make sure you inform reservation staff that you are eligible for the special rate. Hotel contact numbers are listed on page 2. Miss Mauds and The Sebel are also local hotels.
Membership prices have been held down to $75 until the end of March, then then $80 until the Festival. Prices will be $80 at the door of the Festival or $25 for a day membership. Memberships after 31 March will only be availble from the Festival, support businesses will no longer be able to provide memberships.
Voting forms for the Ditmar and Asfma Awards are included with this Newsletter. Please read the conditions for voting on the forms if you intend to vote for these awards by postal vote. Please note – all members attending the Festival can vote until 6pm Saturday 6 April at the Festival.
The programme is provided here for members to start planning their attendance at the Festival. Listed is the programming for the two main rooms which include all major guest events. Video, Gaming and third stream programs will be available at the Festival. As always this program is subject to minor change but all major events are very unlikely to move. If you have any item you wish included in the program, or would like to participate in a event please contact the Festival at the address / phone on page 2.
I would also like to thank Martin Livings, the Editor of the Newsletters, whose professionalism and dedication to publishing the Newsletter has contributed so much to the success of the Festival promotions. Without the benefit of these Newsletters, the Festival would not have the excellent foundation it currently enjoys and have the ability to reach the success it is now assured of achieving. (aw shucks… Ed.)
Once more, and for the last time, see you at the Festival.
Richard Scriven
Chair, Festival of the Imagination 1996
(Super Chicken)