Tag Archives: swancon 4

Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Monday

Transcribed by Elaine Walker – As usual, all typos faithfully transcribed Continued from Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Sunday MONDAY. Arrived late. Saw the end of ‘Duel’, the first of the two films held over … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Sunday

Transcribed by Elaine Walker. All typographical idiosyncrasies duly maintained. This is following from Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Saturday. SUNDAY. Dolores stayed home. I arrived after 11:00 but the Auction was still going strong. I … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Saturday

Transcribed by Elaine Walker. All typos etc. reproduced to the best of our ability (Continued from Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON- Friday) SATURDAY: Since Dolores and I retired to the hideout each night (too easy to … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon ’79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Friday

Transcribed by Doug Burbidge and Elaine Walker. All original typographical errors retained to the best of our ability. PART TWO: THE CON The following events took place over March the 2nd to the 5th. Friday (11:30AM) met Peter Toluzzi’s flight … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon '79 – PART TWO: THE CON – Friday

Transcribed by Doug Burbidge and Elaine Walker. All original typographical errors retained to the best of our ability. PART TWO: THE CON The following events took place over March the 2nd to the 5th. Friday (11:30AM) met Peter Toluzzi’s flight … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon ’79 – Part 1B – February 27

Transcribed by Elaine Walker, maintaining all spellings as given in the text (cont.) February 27, Tuesday; Night. A dinner was held for our guests at the home of the WASFA Boss. The repast was sumptuous having been prepared by Bob … Continue reading

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Report on Waycon '79 – Part 1B – February 27

Transcribed by Elaine Walker, maintaining all spellings as given in the text (cont.) February 27, Tuesday; Night. A dinner was held for our guests at the home of the WASFA Boss. The repast was sumptuous having been prepared by Bob … Continue reading

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SwanCon 4 (WayCon ’79) – Program – Acknowledgments

Transcribed by Elaine Walker, faithfully transcribing all typos. Acknowledgments THANKS TO: Leigh Edmonds and Valma Brown for attending our convention; William Collins and Thor Enterprises for prizes; Bandwest Media, especially Gary Powel, for their publicity help; Uni. of WA Computer … Continue reading

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SwanCon 4 (WayCon '79) – Program – Acknowledgments

Transcribed by Elaine Walker, faithfully transcribing all typos. Acknowledgments THANKS TO: Leigh Edmonds and Valma Brown for attending our convention; William Collins and Thor Enterprises for prizes; Bandwest Media, especially Gary Powel, for their publicity help; Uni. of WA Computer … Continue reading

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SwanCon 4 (WayCon ’79) – Program – Clubs – F.O.C.

Transcribed by Elaine Walker – All typos faithfully reproduced At the top of the page is a line drawing of a club (large wooden thing with handle) with the word Clubs in it F.O.C. My name is Raymond Raspa, I … Continue reading

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