Post by Elaine Walker in an interview with Mitch. Mitch? launch t-shirt (Continued…) We continue our interview with Mitch by asking a bit more about his Fanzine/short story anthologies Mitch? (Volumes 1-4) Elaine: How did you pick the contributors for the Mitch? anthologies? Mitch: It wasn’t hard really. I was on an email list with… Continue reading Mitch?! – Part 2
Month: March 2012
On bookmarks, and their beauty
Post by Anna Hepworth Over the years, I’ve picked up a lot of bookmarks – I get them at conventions (advertising books, or other conventions, or sometimes things that don’t appear to have any relation to the convention), I pick them up in book shops and libraries and government offices, I find them in second… Continue reading On bookmarks, and their beauty
The CIA (no, the other one)
post by Doug Burbidge I started going to Curtin in 1988, and I saw some posters around for a group called the CIA, I think with some Star Trek TNG art on them. (TNG was brand new then.) I took them for some sort of joke. But in second semester, a friend had made his… Continue reading The CIA (no, the other one)
WASFA box from July 1977 Part 4
by Chris Creagh The following, type writer produced, short story is reproduced with permission of the author, Stephen Dedman. Said permission was accompanied by the remark “It has kind of a cheesy ending.” So, if you are an early career aspiring writer, take heart, things do get better. High Dungeon 26-2-78 by Stephen Dedman There… Continue reading WASFA box from July 1977 Part 4