by Chris Creagh
Contents of WASFA news 4 21 Oct 1977; 5 copies
The Melbourne convention to be held next Easter in the Melbourne Town House Hotel will cost $8 if you book before Jan 1st (then $10 up until March 1st, $15 thereafter). Guests of honour will be Brian Aldiss and Roger Zelazny.There will be a short story competition with a first prize of $150 and a second prize of $50 (plus a prize of $50 for the best previously unpublished author). Entry forms and/or details of the convention from:UNICON IV, Box 106, Melbourne University, Parkville, Vict 3052.
Some things don’t change i.e. ticket price hikes so that the committee can get money early. Note the cash prize for the short story competition: $150 or 10 times the maximum ticket price. If we were to use the same formula that would be equivalent to $2500.
So who were the short story winners?