Wikipalooza at Swancon 42

We wikipalooza’ed at Swancon 42, acquiring information for the wiki from heads owned by people such as Sally Beasley, Ken McCaw, and Susan Margaret. Articles that substantially increased in length included: Swancon 5 Swancon 6 Confusion ’94 Slashcon Swancon 2006 If you have recollections about these or other Swancons, get thyself a wiki account and… Continue reading Wikipalooza at Swancon 42

SF Convention Register postcard for ConFusion

OK, this is interesting. It’s a postcard-sized object, but on lighter card stock, and is typed upon in fairly small type (approx 9-point). It’s got lots of ASCII typesetting with lines consisting of dashes, slashes, etc. ASCII typesetting not faithfully reproduced. There’s a US 40 cent stamp in the top right corner. ////////////////////////////////////// SF Convention… Continue reading SF Convention Register postcard for ConFusion

Con Fusion ’94 Progress Report Two

Here is some transcription from Con Fusion ’94 Progress Report Two. (The guest of honour listed in this progress report is not the one they wound up with at the convention.) The cover features art by Amy Pronovost of some sort of anthropomorphic animal wearing a Red Dwarf T-shirt, with a yoyo that is a… Continue reading Con Fusion ’94 Progress Report Two

Confusion Video Subprogram meeting minutes

transcribed by Doug Burbidge. ALL CAPS and spelling errors faithfully reproduced. I have some minutes from Confusion, which later merged with Swancon 19. They’re rather good, so I’ll reproduce the first one that doesn’t contain WingDings. I think these are minutes for the video subcommittee, which given ConFusion’s media bent was probably a fairly important… Continue reading Confusion Video Subprogram meeting minutes

Confusion (Swancon 19) badge

Post by Doug Burbidge Confusion was originally conceived as not-a-Swancon, but the two wound up merging. It was at the Perth International Hotel; as is the common fashion with hotels, the building still exists but that hotel has moved out and another moved in — it’s now the Mercure. The con reg desk was up… Continue reading Confusion (Swancon 19) badge