Festival of the Imagination 1996 – April 1995 Newsletter, a few more details (2 of 2)

Following on from our summary page about the 1996 Festival of the Imagination newsletter from April 1995, and our ‘few more details’ (1 of 2), comes our final post on this document. Here, page 6 is transcribed, covering a couple of interesting topics, showing how things have changed some.


Festival Table – April 13th-17th, 1995

The festival will have a table in the hucksters room at Swancon ’95 over the coming Easter break. We will have memberships and T-shirts on sale, and will be more than willing to supply you with information about the festival. Come along, talk to the committee, register your interest or just find out more about the con.

Festival Launch Parth – April 16th, 1995

A party will be held to celebrate the launch of the festival at Swancon ’95. The party will be located in the fan lounge on Sunday night from 8PM onwards; some free drinks will be supplied with eats, but BYO for a good time. All are welcome.

Pit Bash – Late May, 1995

A gaming competition will be held in late May, probably in conjunction with the Gamer’s Guild at the SWY. Titled: “World Championship of Champions”, it will be a single round elimination tournament played with the Champion rules system. Character generation rules will apply, and are: No power frame-works, no powers marked “stop”, and no mercy. You can register your interest at the Festival ’96 table at Swancon ’95, phone the contact numbers or write to the convention address. Small charge will apply, based on costs. There is a player table limit based on venue size.

Freeform – Late August, 1995

A freeform will be held on a Saturday in late August, in a city venue catering for twenty to twenty five players. Written by Stefen Brazil, the basis for the scenario will be the Illuminati books. A small fee will be charged based on costs. To register your interest, contact us either at the convention address or just come and talk to us at our table at Swancon ’95. There will be more details in our July newsletter.


The Festival of the Imagination 1996, at its essence, will be a celebration of creativity. As such, it will strive to encourage the creative spirit, particularly in the fields of art and writing. There will be two competitions run in the months leading up to the convention, open to any Australian entrants, whether members of the convention or not; however, entries must be previously unpublished. The winners will be announced at the convention itself.

Firstly, there is the short story competition. To be eligible to enter, a piece of writing must be of 5000 words or less, and do remember that this is a speculative fiction convention, although stories may be of any genre. The art competition is more difficult to define, but again, work of a speculative nature will probably be more appropriate than other forms of art.

There will be more details on these competitions, including prizes, in further newsletters. If you are interested in entering, please write to the convention address for more information.

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