Digested by Chris Creagh
“Swathed in overcoat and scarf against the minus 12C cold outside, the latest wizard of the fantasy novel sat snowed in at home and carried on writing on a battery-powered laptop computer.”
With an Easter trip Down Under scheduled, Robert Jordan could not afford down-time during the 36-hour cut in the electricity supply caused by the winter storms ravaging South Carolina and much of the United States.”
— Vic Crossland, 27 March 1993 writing in The West Australian
Vic had just called Robert for a phone interview only to find him huddled in the kitchen with all the gas stove burners on trying to keep warm. He was trying to finish The Fires of Heaven. The newspaper story goes on to discuss Jordan’s The Wheel of Time Series. Book four of the series The Shadow Rising was to be released in Australia to coincide with his visit. Jordan confessed to being an ardent fan of Terry Pratchett, guest of honour at the National Science Fiction Convention in Perth.
Another article on the same page discusses Swancon in more depth, which will be covered in another post, and finally on that same page is a competition sponsored by The West Australian And Penguin Books who are giving away seven series of sifi and fantasy books (different authors) over the two weeks around the con. The competition question was “In Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time Series, who is the leader long prophesied who will save the world but, in the saving, destroy it?
More in the next post!