by Doug Burbidge
I’ve got various pieces of paper here from Swancon 18. Let’s see: there’s an A4 quiz night flyer. 7pm, August 7, $7 per head, tables of… 6. Broke their run of sevens, there.
And another thing, which is A4, double-sided, with each side broken into two A5’s. One plugs the quiz night, one lists the memberships to date (with 65 members listed), one describes “The Con at a Glance”, and one describes the theme (“Apocralypse Wow!”) and the “Guests of Honour” (Terry Pratchett and Craig Hilton as FGOH).
There’s a programme, on an oddly-sized glossy piece of paper (four thirds the length of an A4, and the usual A4 width). It’s folded in four, so that in its folded state it looks like it’s a usual A4 folded in three, until you unfold it and: aha! The deception is revealed! One side is “SwanCon 18 programme and planner”, being a grid-style list of each day, Thursday thru Monday, with a giant three streams. This side is autographed ‘To Sue Ann with love, Terry Pratchett”. The other side is half a map of the convention facilities, one quarter title (“Programme”, plus the turtle logo, plus “Australian Airlines” who presumably provided the oddly-sized glossy paper), and one quarter “Anime Video Programme”.
And there’s “Swancon 18 In-house Video Program”, an A3 folded to A4. This was separate from the aforementioned anime video programme, and played through the hotel’s video system into the hotel accommodation rooms. It consisted mostly of oldies: Budd Corbett, Space Cadet; UFO; Blakes Seven; etc. And I have the dim recollection that there was other video as well, because I recall watching video of Truckers (the TV series of the Pratchett book), because when I came out of the video lounge rather more time had passed than I had thought, and people were Looking For Me.