Continuum Galaxies by Gaslight flyer

A double-sided A5 flyer. A numeral 5 in sun symbols bracketing the convention title indicates this is for Continuum 5.


Galaxies by Gaslight

Guests of Honour

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

photos of both guests

Narelle M. Harris

14th-16th August, 2009

The Ether Centre,
Little Bourke Street,

Please visit our website for membership forms and more event details Φ GPO Box XXX, Melbourne, 3001 Φ



Galaxies by Gaslight

A Speculative Fiction and Pop Culture Convention

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro is the first woman to be named a Living Legend by the International Horror Guild (2006). She is also one of only two women ever to be named as Grand Master of the World Horror Convention (2003). A professional writer since 1968, Yarbro has worked in a wide variety of genres, from science fiction to westerns, from young adult literature to historical horror. Yarbro is best known as the creator of the heroic vampire, the Count Saint-Germain.

Narelle M. Harris

Narelle M. Harris is the Australia author of The Opposite of Life and her crime and fantasy novels have been nominated for the Ned Kelly Award and the George Turner Prize for Science Fiction and Fantasy. Though born in Newcastle, Narelle has been on the move all her life, teaching English as far afield as Egypt and Poland. Having seen the light and settled in Melbourne with her husband and her cat, Narelle spends her time between work and writing.

Membership Type Membership Rates Valid Until 7 Aug 2009
Adult1 $180
Student/Concession2 $125
First Time Continuum Member $125
Junior Member (5-16 Years)3 $35
Supporting Member4 $35

1 $10 Discount off Adult and Concession rate is applicable to members of an SF & F Club, Gaming Club, or 2009 conventions. Photocopied proof of membership must be enclosed with membership form.
2 Student/Concession membership is available to all secondary/tertiary students and concession card holders over the age of 16. Photocopied proof of concession must be enclosed with membership form.
3 To be accompanied by Adult Member. One Adult may accompany up to three (3) Junior members.
4 Supporting members receive a copy of the Continuum handbook, your name in the membership list (optional) and access to the Continuum members email list. A supporting membership does not grant you access to the convention, but you may upgrade to a full or concession membership at any time and pay only the difference due at the time you joined the convention. Φ GPO Box XXX, Melbourne, 3001 Φ

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