Fandomedia was a limited series Western Australian small con run (and convened) by then Western Australian Ju Transcendancing. In 2006, the theme was ‘Hunger’, and the Guests of Honour were Marianne de Pierres (QLD), Lyn Battersby (WA) and Elaine Kemp (WA).
One of the publications from this con is a three page ‘con book’, printed grey scale one-sided on A4. The first page includes the Guest of Honour profiles (reproduced below), the program for the three days (Friday to Sunday, reproduced in the next Fandomedia post) and an advertisement for SwanCon 32 – Inconceivable!
transcription by Anna Hepworth
(While this entire section was centred, including paragraphs, this has not been reproduced here)
Guest of Honour Profiles
Marianne de Pierres
Marianne de Pierres is the author of the award-nominated Parrish Plessis series: Nylon Angel, Code Noir and Crash Deluxe which now has its own role playing game designed by games company White Mice Worldbuilding.
Her short fiction has appeared in various anthologies and magazines. She is currently working on her next series for Orbit Books called The Sentinels of Orion, and a film project for Sydney-based, Enchanter Productions, called Stalking Daylight.
In 2007 her children’s fantasy novel, Citrine, will be published by ABC books in a shared world series called The Lost Shimaron. Marianne was born and bred in Western Australia (Wyalkatchem to be precise) but currently resides in Brisbane with three sons and two galahs…oh and a husband.
Lyn Battersby
Lyn Battersby started writing at the age of five, (her first attempt was titled Aa, Bb, Cc) but her first real publishing credit came in 2001 when her story “Divinities” was published in Antipodean SF (under the name Triffitt). “Learned Instincts” soon followed in ASIM 7, with “Cracking Up” not long after in Antipodean SF.
Her real breakout came in 2005 when her story “The Memory of Breathing” appeared in ASIM 17. The story received multiple award nominations, including The Aurealis, and won a Tin Duck at Swancon 2006. The film rights were sold earlier this year and the feature-length script is currently under construction.
Not content to sit back and enjoy her small success, she has since published “The Hanging Tree” (the first to appear with her new married name) in Borderlands 6 and “Edges” in Shadowed Realms 9. She hopes to publish many many more.
Elaine Kemp
Elaine Kemp writes both speculative fiction and erotic romance, the romance under her pen name of Laney Cairo. She’s a fangirl, has managed two science fiction bookshops, and is married to pro SF writer, Stephen Dedman.
She’ll be talking about erotica a lot at Fandomedia: Hunger.