Tag Archives: rpgs

Swancon 17 – progress report November 1991 – Lace & Steel part 2

This is part 2 of the rules summary for the Lace & Steel RPG on pages 16-18 of the progress report. It covers most of the combat related rules summaries. All typos are faithfully reproduced. Combat Lace & Steel uses … Continue reading

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SwanCon 17 – November 1991 Progress Report – Lace & Steel – Part 1

According to the table of contents of this progress report the summary of the rules for Lace & Steel start on page 14 of this progress report, and continue until page 18. In order to keep this post reasonable I … Continue reading

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Swancon 17 – November report – Dreamers in the Net (Part 2)

Pages 20-21 of this progress report have to do with one of the Cyberpunk RPGs being run at the convention – Dreamers in the Net. Page 21 contains the advert with the title Dreamers in the Net in very big … Continue reading

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SwanCon XV: The Dark Future and RPGs

Pages 29 and 30 of the SwanCon XV Program book contains an article by Lev Lafayette (as Anthony Anderson). Running head on page 29 is “Personally, Nothing Tops Metamorphosis Alpha”. In a fairly similar development to that of literature, a … Continue reading

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Games without Frontiers

Being the 14th and 15th pages of the SwanCon XV Progress Report 3. Running head on page 14 reads “And you thought you might get some sleep!”. Transcription by Anna Hepworth and Elaine Walker (because reasons). Typoes faithlessly transcribed. Games … Continue reading

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