The SunCon ’91 Progress Report 2 is a 6 double-sided A4 page booklet, stapled in the top left corner. There are any number of interesting bits scattered throughout [the 6th page will be featured in a later post, being about the DUFF (Down Under Fan Fund) Race for the year, including candidate platforms] Artwork for… Continue reading SunCon ’91, PR2 – snippets
Tag: Brisbane
Brisbane in ’91!
transcribed by Anna Hepworth – one A4 yellow sheet, single sided, Natcon bid newsletter. All typos faithfully reproduced. (stylistic sun logo at top left of page) Brisbane in ’91 P.O. Box xxx Camberwell, 3124, Victoria Well, just when you thought it was safe, here we are again, even though we did not win the bid… Continue reading Brisbane in ’91!