Swancon 2001 – Masquerade – Progress report 3 – Dave’s Rave

Being the Convenor’s report from the front page of a 10 pp A4 progress report. As ever, typos mostly faithfully reproduced…

Dave’s Rave

(Convenor’s Report)

I’m happy to say Swancon is really starting to come together. We are hard at work putting together what we think will be a great program. Its already off to a good start, with some great guests and some great events. I am particularly impressed with a fantastic response to our academic program. I am really looking forward to the con, and I hope you are too.

But remember, making a great con involves all the members, not just the con committee. This PR is the interactive one – you can offer to help, give us feedback on our draft program, and support the Ditmars and Tin Duck awards (and Australian and West Australian SF and fandom) by nominating work that you think deserves recognition.

The program is especially important – we are still putting it together, and still looking for program items and panelists, and now is the time to volunteer. While we are trying to include everyone, we really want people to approach us with ideas, so we can include the great diversity of fannish interests. We really want to hear ideas from everyone. We have a draft program, but the eventual program will be quite different – because is will be filled with YOUR ideas.

If you happen to be reading this in another state and wondering how you can make it to Perth for Swancon, check out the NAFF announcement elsewhere in the PR – there is a new fund to bring a fan interstate for the national convention each year. On behalf of the current natcon, I’d like to thank Grant* and Sue-Ann** for setting it up, and thank them for their effort (though you can blame me for the silly name).


* Watson
* Barber

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