SunCon ’91, PR2 – snippets

The SunCon ’91 Progress Report 2 is a 6 double-sided A4 page booklet, stapled in the top left corner. There are any number of interesting bits scattered throughout [the 6th page will be featured in a later post, being about the DUFF (Down Under Fan Fund) Race for the year, including candidate platforms]

Artwork for our publications

We need it, lots of it, particularly for the program book. While we can’t guarantee to use your work if you send it to us, we will return all used and unused artwork with our grateful thanks. Artwork for our publications should be black and white linework, though we may be able to use an occasional black and white pieces which have halftones.

The Banquet

Yes there will be a banquet and SUNCON, it well be held on Saturday night and will include the DITMAR Awards. We are still negotiating with the hotel concerning prices but we expect it will be between $30 and $35 per person.

Fandom In Brisbane

QUEST was founded in 1977 and is one of Australia’s longest running Star Trek fan club. Although a majority of our members are Brisbane-ites, Questers are found from Cairs to California, Western Australia to Wanganui.  Quest provides a contact point for fans to share news and views about Star Trek and Science Fiction in general. Quest organises regular meetings, group movie bookings, special social events. It has a club library and issues a Club Newsletter called ‘Log of the U.S.S. Quest’. At present, the annual membership is $10. To join, please send a cheque to QUEST, G.P.O. Box XXXX, Brisbane, Qld, 4001.

CONQUEST was founded in 1982 to run a local convention in Queensland. These have been run with great success every year since. It mainly caters for media fans and the largest one was held in 1984 with over 400 attendees. See Con listings for information of this years.


See enclosed flyer. [transcribers note – we here at the WASFF archives section of the Distributed Archives don’t have a copy of said flyer. Anyone else have one that they  would care to scan and/or transcribe?]

There are a few more clubs and organisations in Brisbane and we hope to be able to tell you about them in the next progress report.

Meet the committee

This will be a brief introduction to some of the committee members. Many of names will be new to most people south of the Queensland border but are well known in Brisbane Fandom.

Eleanor Hallewell has also been in fandom since the early eighties. She has been reading Science Fiction most of her life, (she even did it for her School Leaving Certificate) she enjoys all kinds of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Eleanor has been to lots of conventions and has helped out at many and on the committee of one.

Carol Bredhauer (Bott) has been in fandom since the late seventies. She is another ex-Queenslander now living in Canberra. She has been on quite a few Convention Committee and has helped out where she can at others. She and Hazel will be running the Masquerade which should be a lot of fun.

Hazel Dodd is yet another Queenslander who moved to Canberra. She was introduced to fandom in 1984 and has been very active since. She has been to lots of conventions and has been on a couple of Con Coms including 2 Media Natcons. Hazel is interested in all types of Science Fiction and loves to party.

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